A Teaching Tool For Tablet PCs
YDraw is a free Drawing software authored by Ramesh Yerraballi. It is licensed under GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
Download and Unzip YDraw-master.zip to any location. I suggest you unzip it to a folder called YDraw. YDraw will work on any system that has java 1.6 or later. All you need is a java runtime (from Oracle). The software is in the YDrawTool directory. You will find an executable jar file called YDraw.jar there.
What is YDraw?
YDraw is a simple drawing software that can be used on a PC with a Touchscreen or a Mac with a Wacom tablet.
Why YDraw?
There are several drawing tools for Tablet computers and Wacom external tablets but they all have cumbersome GUIs that come in the way of writing. For example, if one wants to change the color of the pen one has to open a menu, scroll through it and pick the color. All this comes in the way and is captured if you are making a screencast. All YDraw options are keyboard shortcuts.
Once you have the java runtime installed just double-click on the YDraw.jar file inside the YDrawTool directory that you unzipped in the previous step.
Note that all features in YDraw are accessible using keyboard shortcuts. So, all you will see is a blank screen when you run the jar. Nothing you checkpoint is ever lost as all sessions are automatically saved under the Saves folder where YDrawTool was installed.
What/where are the options?
There are a lot of options. Type Ctrl+h to find out.
Use cases and Features:
Uses the LGPL licensed freeware JPen (http://sourceforge.net/projects/jpen/) as the engine on top of which the tool is built. JPen itself is unmodified.
Uses the AGPL licensed iText to generate PDFs (http://www.itextpdf.com/)